*True names & identity of clients are kept confidential throughout. Pictures shown are of models.
*Pictures shown are of models
"I’m amazed that over 12 weeks my son has got to sleep better, has less tantrums and is more at ease in public and with peers. Before we started Play Therapy I was really worried about his anxiety but now I can see he has become much more resilient."
N, Mother of 2 children
"Before joining play coaching programme I wondered, 'Does it really work?'. I'm so glad I went ahead. My child has really benefitted from our special play time especially in terms of his well being & cooperation. I feel more empowered to connect to my child and now I notice minor behaviours. I can better interpret what my child needs from these small actions and it makes a big difference. "
L, parent of 4 year old boy
"Play Therapy has really helped my daughter in many ways. She can now focus for longer than 20 mins which was impossible before. She would get really anxious. The teachers have noticed the difference too. Now she has more confidence. I think working with Rachel in Play Therapy really built up her self esteem and her chronic eczema has improved a lot (which was a big cause of stress and anxiety for her before). She seems much happier and more mature."
J, Mother of 2 girls
" At first, I didn't know what to expect and I didn’t see a connection between play and my child’s behaviour. Rachel helped me put myself in my child's shoes. In such a short time I learnt some practical ideas to help me interact with my child. I feel we have only just touched the surface of such a deep topic and it’s so interesting.."
Alexander, parent of 2 boys, Workshop participant, Hong Kong Island
“I really enjoyed the workshop especially the live demo. I’ve definitely gained more insights into my children including the key principles of empowering the children. I will make a conscious effort to connect to my child through play more."
A, mother of 2, workshop participant, Southside
*Images show models only
"Before starting Play Therapy my son was always acting up at school and I was getting so frustrated with him at home too. He was so defiant and seemed to be out of control of his own behaviour. There were days of cool stand offish behaviour between me and him. It was really stressful. Now he is much quicker to express his feelings and reasons to me. He has developed much better problem solving skills and a sense of responsibility. His teachers have noticed that he is staying on track in class more and having fewer arguments with peers. Through talking with his play therapist I’ve definitely learnt more about him and I have a greater appreciation for the different way my son thinks."
W, Mother of 10 year old boy
"Rachel cares a lot about pupils’ whole person development. Pupils involved in the “Play Therapy programme” have made great improvements in their behaviour and wellbeing. Her effort is highly appreciated by the parents and class teachers. She possesses great professional knowledge and her wholehearted application to her work is undeniable."
Vice Principal, Government Primary School, HK
More references upon request